Thursday 6 January 2011

10 Best Films of 2010

Ok, I didn't see EVERY film in 2010 but I saw a good deal of 'em -- and I was very impressive. I'm very looking forward to compiling this list. I'm not gonna' rant on for too long, mainly because I don't have much to say, but here is my top 10 film list of 2010...

1. The Social Network -- brilliant script by Aaron Sorkin, delivered perfectly by Eisenberg and Garfield. Direction from Fincher was utterly amazing. Deserves the Oscar.

2. Inception -- a lot of pretentious film buffs would rebuke this film as 'a mess' -- but they just have no idea. Nolan has spent so much time developing this film, and it is truly amazing to see. It's a great idea, and whilst Nolan has polarized audiences with a script riddled with enigmatic tidbits, you can't deny that the film is...well it's just great.

3. Winter's Bone -- Mesmerizing in every sense of the word. Subtle, yet powerful. Beautifully acted by Jennifer Lawrence and John Hawkes, and a really great setting. I enjoyed this so much more than I thought I would.

4. Toy Story 3 -- has to be seen in 2D, so as not to rape you of your nostalgia. The guys are all back and it's as smart and funny as ever it was. Not to mention the added tears towards the end. Great ending to a great trilogy.

5. Black Swan -- Riveting, yet absolutely horrifying at the same time. The subtlety of Portman's transformation is masterful. She's amazing and deserves the Oscar. Similar to 'The Wrestler', but the places it will take you to could not be more different.

6. The Town -- great direction from Ben Affleck in this crime/thriller which whilst not offering anything new, is stylish and well made, and great performances from both Affleck and Jeremy Renner (Hurt Locker) make it tense, and very much worth your time.

7. Shutter Island -- Not Scorsese's best, but it's very well made. Keen film buffs will appreciate the noirish tone it employs and it's a grand film. Di Caprio is at his best and we're guided through the film on a rollercoaster of emotions.

8. Kick Ass -- Don't think anyone expected this film to be what it was. The script was nothing but masterful and the action was top notch. Not just another superhero movie, but the story of a boy who wished it was.

9. How To Train Your Dragon -- A lot funnier than I thought it would be, and both music and visuals were consistent throughout. Really enjoyable for the family.

10. Uh.....I gonna' give it to....nothing.

I'm leaving the spot open as I'm seeing '127 Hours' next week. Whilst it's UK release date is 2011, it still counts as 2010 so I'm pretty sure I'll be updating this.

But yeah, that's how it stands so far.

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